Monday, 15 February 2016

Research On Ray Collins

Ray Collins:
The main reason I have chosen to do research on Ray Collins is because next to Michel Rajkovic he is the other photographer who has influenced my shoots for my final exam. He tries to take still photos of of waves. He will some how take a photo of a wave and have it being very crisp and clear allowing there to be no motion blur at all which creates a very strong image. The photos he takes are breathtaking and the level of detail in his photos is extremely high which makes the photos seem not like a wave but rather some form of strange mutation formation in my opinion.

In this photo we see the light illuminating though the back of the wave creating the appearance of a more light blue wave. This also makes the wave almost seem like it has frozen over because that blue created can be seen in frozen water making the image look like a wave frozen mid movement. 

In this image there is a slight green tint to the wave making it almost seem like a hill. This is interesting because somehow Ray Collins has managed to make a wave look like a hip by capturing a wave mid movement and also capturing a green tint within the image.

The main aspect of this image is the way in which Ray Collins has managed to impress me is how the wave he has captured looks larger then it actually is.

He has managed to do the same here as well by capturing it at a low angle making it seem bigger then it actually is creating the illusion of a tsunami wave.  
This photographer has influenced me to try and take photos of waves and try to capture the wave mid motion. So to try and do this I plan to go to the beach and use a very short exposure to capture the wave in its crisp image as seen above. The feeling people get from these photos is a sense of the calm before the storm because of the way in which the wave is motionless for the time it took to take the photo.

To summarise Ray Collins style of photography is rather complex in the way he takes the photos. As far as I can tell he uses a short shutter and exposure time to get the images but other then that it is hard to tell how he takes his photos.

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