Sunday, 14 February 2016

Research On Lance Ramoth

Lance Ramoth:
The main reason I have chosen to do this research on Lance Ramoth is because like the photographer Michel Rajkovic he also does work with slower shutter speeds to create the calm looking affect of water. The reason I am looking at two photographers both who do the same technique is because this is what I would like to do in my exam. The other technique that Lance Ramoth uses is he does lots of his photos in black and white but he does also do some experiments with colour which also works but this only seems to work at sunset so if I were to try it I would have to do it at that time. the other reason why I have chosen to do research on him is because the landscapes he uses are amazing and give off a remarkable vibe of the atmosphere and the emotion in the image.

In this image we see a bridge leading to an island off in the distance. We also see in this image the same lyre of mist that is creeping in from the sea. This can be because of one of two reasons. The first being it could be natural and there actually was mist rising from the sea. The other possibility is that he was using a slower shutter speed and there were some waves which by using the long shutter speed as they over lapped continually it creates the mist like affect.

In this photo we see a rather plain looking image of a pier. The point of interest in this image is the black and white aspect of the image and also the abandoned nature of the pier. The combination of the black and white and the emptiness of the pier create a rather eerie and lonesome atmosphere about the image. 

Here in this image we see a boat slowly tilting on its side whilst it is in a small volume of water. The boat seems to be abandoned and judging by the exterior of the boat it would seem like it has been there for at least 5 years. The interesting thing about this image is that it shows how water affects everything and shows that given time it slowly decayed and wears away at everything as can be seen by the decaying outer layer of the boat.

Finally in this image we see that the photographer Lance Ramoth has again used a longer shutter speed which allows for the sea to create that misty and calm effect. One thing that this technique has down to the image is it has managed to erase most of the reflection of the small island as also has created a mist around the base and though the middle of the  island.
Much like Michel Rajkovic, Lance Ramoth has influenced me to try and take pictures of large bodies of water with other elements with in the image to allow for more of an atmosphere to be created in the photo. The overall feeling I get from these photos is a kind of emptiness a sort of void in the photo making the viewer want to see more to try and fill in the void. I think this is done by the use of the black and white technique.

To summarise Lance Ramoths style of photography is very interesting because of the way it makes you feel and how it kinda makes you lust after more of the photos to try and fill the void created by the surreal images.

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