Michel Rajkovic:
Here we see that Michel Rajkovic has taken a photo of a waterfall with a long exposure. By doing this it creates the smooth looking water almost cloud like. What makes the photo work even more is that Michel has converted the image into a black and white, thus creating the affect of clouds flowing from the sky into an abyss. |
Michel Rajkovic is a French photographer who's main focus is on waterscapes. The main reason he is interesting with these sort of scales is because he is intrigued by the concept of infinity in a waterscape. He uses a long exposure time to create either an image where the water is smooth and settled or like the image above where because the water was flowing it makes it look like a running stream of clouds or mist.
Mark Mawson:
Here we see one of Mark Mawsons photos from his underwater collection. This was taken using an underwater rig for his Canon 5D MarkII. In this photo Mark manages to capture the lifelessness of the model. This is due to her body being limp and the way in which she has fallen into the water makes it seem as if she had died before she fell in. Due to the light from above the model it highlights the bleak and blackness of the water behind her making it seem like she is perpetually falling into a deep dark black abyss. |
Mark Mawson is a London based photographer who does a wide range of photography but my main focus is on his "Aqueous" series. The main reason I have decided to look at him is because his underwater work is very interesting because lots of his photos show people doing activities which wouldn't necessarily be done underwater or he takes photos of people on the verge of the water surface like the one above.
Barry Steven Greff:
Here we see one of Barry Steven Greffs Jellyfish photos from his "FLOW" series. He took photos of Jellyfish in behind in a tank. For this series he wanted to show the flow which can be seen in a Jellyfish. His "FLOW" series is an interesting concept to take of because it is strange and a rather unique way in which to portray the flow and movement of creatures in water. |
Barry Steven Greffs main style is intimate portraits of wildlife and jellyfish like the image above. His aim for his photos is to preserve the best of mother nature and to try and capture the natural beauty of the Earth in its most pristine state. Barry Steven Greff was exposed to photography at a very young age due to his family going on factions and was enticed by nature and photographing it in its many forms.
Jerry Freedner:
Here we see one of Jerry Freedners images from his water series. The image we see him take a photo of is a Lilly with its stem submerged in water. The interesting thing about the Lilly is it is generally known to symbols chastity and virtue, generally seen as being pure, but in the photo we see that the pure Lilly is in a torrent of water. In the image this can be shown as the purity of a person as the Lilly going against the stream of impurity in the world. |
Jerry Freedner is an American photographer who takes lot of photos of nature in all forms. The work which I focused on was his water series in which he mainly took photos of waterfalls and other interesting natural formations. In lots of his water series he uses a longer exposure like Michel Rajkovic to try and create a mist like affect in his photos.
Nobuyuki Taguchi:
Here we see one of Nobuyuki Taguchis images. The image we see is of a castle up in Scotland surrounded by water . We see that he has decided to change the image into black and white. This helps the water to reflect the landscape in the rest of the image creating an interesting image due to the dynamic created between the ground and the sky in the water. |
Nobuyuki Taguchi is a Japanese photographer who is based in London. His main style of work is black and white digital photography. He started off by publishing his black and whites onto the internet and is well know for his article called "London in mono" in which he proceeded to take photos of London in black and white. His style of black and white is very interesting because it creates a rather plain image in which you then easily identify the details yourself.
Lance Ramoth:
Here we see another example of a photographer who has used a long exposure to enable them to have a what appears to be a smooth and still looking sea or what ever mass of water they are photographing. In this image Lance Ramoth has also either taken the photo in black and white or changed it into black and white later in photoshop either way it has created the above image. The light coming from either side of the pier accompanied by the black and white and the long exposure makes the sea seem like it is solid. |
Lance Ramoth is another photographer who has elements of water within his photographer work. Most of his photos that contain water are also accompanied by a black and white over layer. His main focus is on objects that are in water. An example of this is the above image in which there is a pier. Other objects he photographs are capsized boats and wooden support beams in water.
Shazeen Samad:
In this image we see that the photographer Shazeen Samad has taken of photograph at sunset of two people picking up stones. He has then later in photoshop manipulated the image to create the purple, pink and red in the sky. He has also didn't allow for a lot of light to be in the foreground so that he could get the people and their rocky surrounding to be black to take focus off of them and onto the background. |
Shazeen Samad is a photographer who uses water within lots of their images. Most of which are at the beach and featured the sea in someway. The most interesting thing about his images is that he manipulates them to create interesting colours which we also then see reflected with in the water to make the water to appear a different colour. An example of this can be found above. We see that the sky has been changed to be purple and pink and then when we look in the water we don't see the typical clear of mirky but we see an arrange of different tones of pink and purple which create some elements of red within the water.
This image above is of a waterfall with a person in front of it. The image shows the power of a waterfall and gives the viewer some form of idea how massive a waterfall is when compared to ones self. The image makes the viewer think of type of sounds and feeling that the person standing in front of the waterfall. It creates some what of a trance like feeling when looking at it because of its raw power and beauty. |
Luciphoto is another type of photographer in which uses elements of water within some of their work. One of the main focuses of Luciphoto is to photograph the raw beauty of landscapes and the surrounding elements. An example of this would be the image I have above of the waterfall.
Rui Palha:
Here we see on of Rui Palhas photos forms his "rainy day" album, this image is called "Wet Corridor". In the image we see a person riding their bike under the man-made waterfall. The waterfall could be due to one of two things, one it could be intentional and the city have it as a display the second is it could be because there is an excess of water due to the rain. The fact that there is this massive amount of water coming from above this underpass makes the viewer think that there may be some heavy flooding above the tunnel. The thing that makes this an interesting image is the fact that we normally associate waterfalls with nature and it becomes interesting to see it in a city. |
Rui Palhas has been interested in photography since the age of 14 and since then has almost all the time devoted his work to street photography. As lots of his work is street photography that leaves little room for water to be incorporated into his work. The way that he does mange to get the water element into his work is quite good because he does a combination of street photography and water by shooting street photography in the rain and has called it "rainy day".
Edward Burtynsky:
In this image we see an oil rig which is based in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico during the time when there was the massive BP oil spill. What makes this image interesting is due to the oil which we can see scatter over the top of the water it enables us to also see the current of the water because that is the path in which we see the oil travel. When we look at this image we automatically think back to the time in which the spill happened and reminds us about everything that happened during that time and how terrible it was. |
One of the main things in which Edward Burtynsky takes photos of in relation to water is pollution which is found though out the planet. All of his photos have been taken from a great height probably form a helicopter. This gives us a large view of the area in which he is viewer and gives us a greeted perspective on the place. Even though most of his photos show how humans have polluted the water there are some images in which we see people living in harmony with the water surrounding them and using it to grow crops and to live from.
Tim Calver:
In this image we see two people in scuba gear. One of them has a large pole which looks like a tagger and there is also what seems to be a camera floating next to them. This makes us think that these two are going around tagging fish and taking photos of them so they can document the fish living in the area. The fact that the water is so clear makes the viewer think that the environment in which the photograph is being taken is clean and healthy. |
Tim Calver is an interesting photographer because he does lots of his work with only a single breath meaning that he the whole time he is taking these amazing photos dozens of feet underwater he is holding his breath which adds to how amazing the images are. One of his aims is to demonstrate his respect for nature and his connection to those places and those who connect to those places with the water.
Ray Collins:
The image is very crisp and sharp. We know this because there is a very high level of detail. Lots of Ray Collins images look plastic because they look artificially made. The image shows the pure beauty of the wave and also shows us the surface tension in the wave hence why the wave hasn't broken yet. |
Ray Collins captures breathtaking photos of waves like the one above. At first glance his photos look like monitions due to the level of detail in which he takes the photo but upon further inspection you see that it is a wave in lots of detail. On first looks of Ray Collins photos you wouldn't think that he is colour blind. He is the worlds most renowned seascape photographer and we can see why from his amazing work.
Love And Water:
Here we see an image of a woman in the ocean with her wedding dress under the sea and due to the way the wedding dress is made the trail that comes behind it makes it almost seem like there is tail attached to the the woman. It creates a very interesting image because it is a very interesting concept. |
Love and Water is a company which take wedding photos of the couple in water. It is a very interesting concept. One of the interesting things about the way in which they take the photo is because the woman is wearing her wedding dress it becomes a sort of tail creating the illusion of a mermaid which is pretty cool.
Luiz Luxvich:
Here we see what happened when a drop of water is dropped into more water and then a second drop hits the first one as it bounces back up. It creates the kind of liquid sheet that you see in the photo. I think that these types of photos are very interesting because it shows how water interacts with itself which I find very interesting because it doesn't entirely become one with the water it does some weird stuff where it does't interact with each other for a period of time. |
Luiz Luxvich is a great photographer who takes lots of photos of water droplets like the one above all which create very interesting photos like the one above. He manages to do lots of very creative photos of water droplets which can be seen though out his work. One such image is one in which he dropped milk into coffee and you get to see how the drop of milk interacted with the blackness of the coffee.
Martin Waugh:
Here we see another interesting droplet where there was colour within the some element of the liquid thus creating the the blue, red and yellow and the white. What makes this image really amazing is the little droplets of liquid which can be seen shooting off of the main splash. |
Martin Waugh is yet again another great photographer who takes lots of photos of water droplets but when compared to Luiz Luxvixh he uses lots more colour within his photos where as Luiz Luxvixh mainly only uses little amounts of colour whereas we can see that Martian Waugh uses lots more colour and doesn't really have any clear water all of it is dyed and has its colour changed.
Elena Kalis:
Here we see one of Elena Kalis cosplay shoots. She is wearing a Sailor Fuku which is a form of dress that most middle school females wear in japanese schools. The interesting thing about this images is the position of the woman and the pose she is making. It creates a lifeless feeling in the image and makes it seem like the woman is dead. |
Elena Kalis thinks that land is too flat and boring so she decided to take photos of water and the underwater world. In an interview she said that "I feel a fusion of resect, awe, sensuality, and mystery when shooting underwater". She likes the way in which people and objects float and move around in water and how they seem free and loose.
Harold Eugene Edgerton:
Here we see what happened when a large drop of milk is dropped into a vat of coffee or tea. The interesting thing about this photo is the circular shape that the is created from the drop. Also the individual drops that come flying out from the circle |
Harold Eugene Edgerton is a well know photographer and even more well known for creating the flash that is used in photography. One of the names he is known by is "The Man Who Froze Time". This is because he managed to capture a single movement in time. That image was also very crisp and there was no motion blur. Hence the name he was given.
Michael David Adams:
Here we see one of the images he has taken with water. We see the glistening water over the models bandy and we can see the reflection of light in the water. In the image there must have been some form of blue reflector to create the blue water either that or it was added in at a later stage in photoshop. |
Michael David Adams is originally a beauty photographer who's main focus is on fashion and takes lots of photos of models in fashionable clothing. He did some fashion shoots in water like the one above which show the way the clothes interact in the water.
Davide Lopresti:
Here we see one of his photos that he has taken of a couple of sharks circling around the shark cage . The interesting thing about this image is the fact that he is outside of the shark cage taking a photo of a shark cage. The fact that he is out of the shark cage makes the whole image rather dangerous. |
Davide Lopresti is an Italian underwater photographer who won the award for being the best underwater photographer of the year 2016.
Zena Holloway:
In this image we see they have explored the fantasy genre. We can tell that in the image there is some form of magic trying to be conveyed across, the pink mist in the water. We can tell that this was added after the photo was taken because it looks computer generated and we also know that we couldn't get this type of image without using a computer to add it into the image. |
Zena Holloway is a rather interesting photographer because their work has an interesting combination of fantasy and underwater photography. Their work consists of lots of very interesting types of genres. They have action, fantasy and many more type of genres in their work.
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