Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Image Bank - Water TBC

In this image taken underwater the photographer has used the natural furrows created by the water on the sand to lead the eye into the image. Although the horizon is in the middle of the image. The light dancing on the surface of the water reflected on the sand and the disappearing horizon create depth and the colour palette is really coordinated. The depth of field is not large and the sand disappears out of focus which adds depth to the image. 

Another image of light dancing on water. This looks like it was taken in a blue swimming pool in a bright sunny day which gives great random patterns. I think this would be taken with quite a fast shutter speed to freeze the motion of the water. 

The main focus of this image is the dam. We have the water gushing though and landing on the rocks on the bottom which then creates the mist at the bottom of the dam. The vibrant colours of the water contrast with the grey dark rocks which creates a beautiful image.

This image is computer generated but we can clearly see that it is of a rose created from water. This is an interesting concept of creating objects from water. Due to the way in which water works we can tell that it is impossible to actually create an image of water in this style.  This looks like it was done in photoshop probably using many layers and setting each to be transparent to one degree or another.

This image of a dripping tap could be much better executed. I like the narrow depth of field. but the water droplet is a bit blurred and it would be a much better image if a faster shutter speed was used to freeze the movement of the water.

Really will lit and shot. This image gets across the purity of water.  It looks crystal clear and the perfectly frozen water adds to this.  Obviously a studio shot. 

I think the photographer would only be able to do this once. Timing would be very important and difficult to do and the reflection of the coloured water hitting the shiny surface adds to the effect. It would have been better if you could see more of the reflection.

By using a small depth of field the photographer has thrown the background out of focus but it looks like the background is sharply captured in the water droplets. This looks like a macro lens was used. 

This image of a sunken aircraft looks really atmospheric. There is no clutter to distract you from the object and the position of the divers adds a sense of scale to the image. The blue water fading into darkness also adds to the feel and scale of the plane.

Capturing water drops is a fine art. This studio shot looks heavily retouched as the water around the drop is perfectly flat.
The red colour is either red food die in the water or the clever use of a coloured gel over the flash gun. 

I think this shot was taken upside down and the base of the image is actually the surface of the water into which an oil like substance was dropped. The colours in the substance are probably reflected coloured light. 

This looks like two different colours of paint poured into water. This has caused turbulence which has created beautiful shapes. Captured by flash. I don't like the yellow background.
This image is a montage. Probably of 3 or 4 images. The curved horizon would be miles away from the viewer but you can still see water ripples. Fake. The foreground and mid ground also don't appear to be the same shot. The moon is cropped uncomfortably close to the top of the image.  This just does not work.

In this montage of two water drop effects one into water and one above the angle of view makes this look like a bomb explosion. The colour s are probably created by using coloured gel over the flash.

I think this is a montage of a few image as the liquid the cherry is dropped into looks like a milky substance but the water drops appear clear and more free flowing. It would have been nice if an additional flash had lit up the front of the cherry.

I am not sure what message this is trying to convey. It might have ben better if the water was oil as spanners tend to be used in engineering as does oil, not water. However the photographer has lit the shot well and the shutter or flash speed is just right to freeze the motion of the water.

This image is of blue in being dropped into a small pint of water. We see the interesting thing about the image is the way in which the ink interacts in the water. But the jug and the green surroundings just get in the way of the effect.

This image was probably ink dropped into water. It has been turned upside down and the effect of the swirling ink has been captured to create an interesting image.

A beautiful image. The background is knocked out of focus and dark and the narrow DoF is just right to highlight the leaf and the water droplets, which are in turn perfectly lit. A really professional photo! 

A beautiful image. The background is knocked out of focus and dark and the narrow DoF is just right to highlight the rocks. A long shutter speed gives the water a nice etherial effect. Which contrasts well with the sharp rocks.  A really professional photo!

I like the way spiderman is perfectly reflected in the water drop.  This droop might be Perspex actually as it looks slightly plastic.  But it is still well composed and lit.

A really narrow depth of field draws the eye to the large rock and the use of colour also does this with there being one brown stone and all other colours being shades of blue. The water drops look like they are just clinging to the rock which adds to the effect.

This looks like two different colours of paint poured into water. This has caused turbulence which has created beautiful shapes. Captured by flash. I don't like the yellow background as this detracts from the strength of the bellowing paint mixing. But it is captured at just the right time.

This image of water in a stream is captured at just the right speed to capture the natural speed of the water flowing over the rocks.  All the colours are from the same blue palette which also adds to the pleasing look and feel of the shot. 

These water droplets on glass are  so regular and uniform I think this image may have been retouched. It looks like it may have been shot outside as I think I can see houses reflected in the water drops. Overall this is a rather flat and dull image.

I really like this image of a balloon full of water exploding. The flash speed is just right to capture the moment. The shot has also been vary carefully lit from both sides in a studio. I little bit of light has been spilt onto the background but a really great image. Looks like a fish.

A clever montage of images. Well lit and retouched. This may be 3 images. The background the candle and the water. But all come together and look real.

This perfect freeze frame of a drop of water hitting a pool of water is nicely lit and well timed. Also I suspect the the use of blue reflectors was used. The motion would be stopped by the flash of the speedlight rather than the camera shutter speed.

Water droplet photography taken to extremes. This looks like coloured die dropped into water. It might be two images as the pool of water is so still. 

This shot of a white wolf on a white background with white water all adds to the feeling of cold. There is no distractions so the eye immediately focuses on the wolf.

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