Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Definition - Water

Web Definition:
A colourless, transparent, odourless, liquid which forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.

My Definition:
A liquid in the form of H2O which is colourless transparent and forms the seas and rivers.

Here we see an example of a water splash. The water is transparent but slightly reflects blue light, but in photoshop the photographer has increased the blues in the image creating the affect we see in the image. This makes the water somehow seem more pure and cleaner then it would have been if it was left transparent.

In this image we see a drop that has hit the surface but the surface tension hasn't broken yet so there is water resting on the top of the water. We also see a ripple effect going across the surface of the water and a drop which was lunched up from the original drop into the water.

The water in this shows us the direction in which the water has come from and also we can tell that it has then hit a surface created the wave like image.

The water portrayed in the image is of bubbles a form of water which a soapy solution.

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