Monday, 22 February 2016

Work Record - Shoot 2


Plans For The Shoot:
As an extension to my first shoot I wanted to develop close up water photography further by experimenting with different coloured food dye in water. Food dye is good as it does not immediately mix with water when dropped in. So it produces really nice shapes as it sinks through water.

What I Actually Achieved:
In this water shoot I wanted to add some colour to water and get different colours mixing with each other which I know can make a really good effect. It looks like clouds exploding with energy.I got my fish tank and filled it with clean water. Set up a white background behind the tank and then put my camera on a tripod in front of it.  I shot in a bright evenly lit room and put the camera on rapid fire.  Then just started dropping ink into the water while shooting as I dropped the food dye.

The effects were quite good. Tried some small drop at first then tried pouring a lot of dye at the same time.  Sometimes the food dye held together and dropped in streaks not instantly dissolving in the water but sometimes it would dissolve into clouds of colour.When I got all the images on screen they were all a little dull but the shapes of the drops were good so I overexposed in Lightroom added some contrast and boosted the colour a little to produce the images below.  On a few I changed the colour balance.

1/200th second @f4.5 ISO800 shot on a canon 5D Mk3 no flash in a well lit room with natural light and a white backdrop.  I then inverted the image so it looks like the colour was rising up from the floor. The floor being the underside of the water surface.

1/250th second @f5 ISO800 shot on a canon 5D Mk3 no flash in a well lit room with natural light and a white backdrop.  I overexposed this in Lightroom and increased the saturation and washed out the background to white so the colour drops appear to just hang in white space.

I think that I would like to carry on with controlling water in the studio and try some more product related shots like dropping fruit or vegetables into water.
Here is an example of something I want to try in my next shoot where you drop some type of fruit or vegetable and capture the splash they make in the water.

1 comment:

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